Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Alchemist in me!

Another day another roll, for this 2 month I've been experimenting with my expired color negative film with black & white developer and I like the result.For 35mm roll I'm using Kodak Gold 200 and Ultramax 400 (both expired in 2008) and 120 Fujipro 160 NPS expired on 2002 develop for 6 minutes with 1+14 dilution with 5 agitation every minutes and this is the result!

Minolta Dynax 505si + Minolta 35-70 f/3.5-4.5 + Kodak200 + Canoscan 9000F Mark 2

Mamiya 645Pro + Sekor 80mm f/2.8N + Fujipro160NPS + Canoscan 9000F Mark 2

Mamiya 645AFD + Sekor 80mm f/2.8N + Fujipro160NPS + Canoscan 9000F Mark 2

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Lab scan versus CanoScan 9000F Mark 2

For several years I always rely on local lab to scan all my film  but lately after shooting using Kodak Portra 400, I've confront a  color issue on my scanned negative, the skin tone is like shit, then I bought myself Canon 9000F Mark 2 scanner and it will be the game changer for my analogue photography passion.Okay folks.....enjoy yourself by shooting film and try to find a good local lab to process your negative.

Mamiya 645 AFD + 80mm f/2.8N + Kodak Portra 400 + CanoScan 9000F Mark II @ 1200dpi

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Shooting Acros The Universe!

As a film shooter, 80% of my work was in color, Ultramax 400 or Fuji Superia 400 X-tra for 35mm and Kodak Portra 400VC/ New Portra 400 or Fujicolor  Pro 160 NS for my medium format.For the black & white I'm shooting Ilford XP2 Super for both 35 and 120 format. I've started to collecting my old developing tank.....and ordering the chemical to test out the Fuji Neopan Acros 100 film and this is my first test roll  using Mamiya 645 Pro + Mamiya Sekor 80mm f/2.8.Mamiya 645 Pro l 80mm f/2.8 develop using Ilfosol 3, 1+9 for 5 minute 15 second , 30 second water stop bath and 4 minute fixed with cheap scanning from local lab.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

New BFF - A Simple Oly.

A "G.A.S" syndrome hunting me down….. the hocus pocus of analogue photography gear in my bag and a tons of expired film in the canister, I’ve decided to get another camera…hurrahh….. another tools of trade for my passion.A simple PNS film camera for my daily shooting or a back up snap shooter  when I’m on the run without any calculation  wizardly stuff…just throw down the canister and bang..bang..bang. I’m end out with the lovely Olympus µ[mju:]-II.With a good bargain new old stock price ( 60% cheaper than Yashica T4 or Contax T3) I’ve a good ,slick and simple camera with amazing 35mm f/2.8 glass.This is the "Derringer" of camera, small but full packed of punch, happy shooting folks.

The Derringer - Mamiya 645 AFD + 80mm f/2.8N + Ilford XP2 Super

All the shot using Olympus µ[mju:]-II with Fuji Superia 200

Friday, 28 June 2013

Enjoyment in shooting expired film.

Expired! the term itself if we refer to food it become filthy but in photography it is an experiment.Shooting expired film is fun and cheap.I'm very lucky to stock some expired Kodak 100,200 and 400 from close friend.If you got a cheap deal buying an expired film, just try to shoot'em , you'll never regret it.This is a couple of my collection shooting expired Kodak 400 using Nikon FM10 with Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D.

Analogue In The Edge Of Social Media Photography

In this decent world, many things have been improved properly and one them is photography.Many people laugh at my face just because my  photography passion going into a reverse gear…why…I choose film photography and some might say analogue.Maybe they will call me “old school” or anti-technology but this is my choice, they would say digital is more cheaper then film and bla..bla..bla..bla..bla….sometimes I like to punch them in the face but I still have manner inside. Recently, Instagram  bring people to be photographer(I’m not anti digital or instagram) but the enjoyment in photography became less and less in my opinion.For all analogue/film photographer out there just believe in film and take a good photo.

Self Portrait with Mamiya 645 AFD + Mamiya Sekor 80mm f/2.8 + Ilford XP2 Super